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5 Startup businesses you can start right now to earn whilst travelling

For many, the idea of packing the car and caravan and heading off for a month or longer seems like only a dream. How will I pay the bills, what about the cost of fuel, geez food is expensive over west!

But what if you could put your skills or interests to work as a little side hustle whilst travelling, following a line of prospective customers who are also travelling around?

Done On The Road is a platform that allows you start a mini business simply by signing up and listing a service. Fellow travellers can then find your service and book you directly. Or, you can search a list of requests from travellers and reach out to help them. Every request and service has a location and time period specificied so that you can even include work availability in your travel plans.

With this in mind, we've thought up five business ideas that you could start right now and can be started with just a small toolbox worth of gear.

Fix & Fish

With a basic set of tools including a heat gun and epoxy, some spare tips and guides and a spare afternoon you could be keeping the local or travelling fisherman fishing for longer by offering rod repair services right from your camper or caravan. Pack your toolbox out with spare lures and line or even offer some pretied rigs for targeting the local fish and you're on your way to running your fishing side hustle.

Local Charm

With a toolbox full of beads and locally sourced trinkets you're ready to start selling custom jewellery. Extend your offering by hosting short classes in making the jewellery and charge per extra trinket that is used.

RC Rescue

You don't have to stay in a caravan park for too long before you hear the familiar sound of a remote control car motor and the excited squeals of children chasing them. But for every one you see, there's at least two broken ones riding in the back of the car. With a thoughtful selection of spares and some basic tools why not offer RC car fixing, cleaning and upgrades right from your van because you know what they say; if you can't beat them, join them!

Shine & Travel

In every caravan park there's two groups of people: those with shiny cars and vans and those that haven't washed theirs in six months. Whether it's because they're busy chasing children around, working full time from the caravan, or just not that in to washing their caravan, there is a huge opportunity to earn money offering car and caravan cleaning. Armed with nothing more than a couple of spray bottles and clothes you would have a steady stream of customers year round.

Cycle Care

Bikes and bike racks are as synonymous with caravannning as happy hour in the arvo. But travelling the country is hard on a bike. Whether it's getting filled with dust whilst driving, or just hasn't been serviced for a while because local bike shops are booked out weeks in advance, there is a huge opportunity to offer bike servicing and cleaning. All you need is some basic tools and a portable bike rack to get going.

These five businesses can be setup with just a few basic tools and there are already hundreds of thousands of potential customers travelling the country. Why not head to your local specialty store, grab some supplies and list your services up on Done On The Road?

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