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Get to Know – Biglap Biglife Aus

Can you share a bit about your background and what inspired you to become a full-time traveller?

We wanted to live differently and enjoy as much time with our kids as we could. We were sick of being busy and tired all the time, working all the time and sleep walking through the best years of our lives in the hope that we can have a few good years in retirement.

How do you balance work and travel on the road? Any productivity tips for those considering a similar lifestyle?

Well, we travel on a budget and are fairly sensible with funds. When the bank balance starts to look a little low, we pull up for a while and work. We keep an eye on the market and tradey rates in different places and pick one we like the sound of that’s paying well. We negotiate a long term rate at caravan parks.

What type of work do you do while travelling, and how did you transition to a remote or mobile career?

Trent is a bricky, and he sold his bricklaying business in Perth and packed his hand tools to just pick up work along the way. We may try and get some work on a farm or station for the experience.

Can you highlight some of your favourite destinations and memorable experiences from your travels?

Gosh, we have had so many memorable experiences on the road. Watching the Staircase to the Moon in Broome, snorkelling with sharks and manta rays in Exmouth, climbing through the gorges in Karijini, swimming in the ocean at Australia’s number 1 beach in Esperance, watching the sunrise over Uluru almost brought me to tears, farm sitting in Queensland, shearing sheep in Vic - it’s too hard to pick just one.

Have you faced any challenges working on the road, and how did you overcome them?

Heaps, just about everything that could go wrong or break on the van did, I feel like we are constantly trying to get something repaired or replaced. The first few months were really stressful and a real test. But having travelled previously we knew how good this experience would be once we ironed out the cracks plus we really really wanted it so we just pushed through and had each others backs. We had to adapt and change plans and spend money we'd set aside for travel but we got there in the end and a change of mindset helped too. This is life and shit happens we had to stop expecting everything to be perfect and go to plan.

What essential items or tools do you carry with you to make working while traveling more efficient?

Hand tools, work boots and work wear. Pretty easy for tradies to find work on the road.

Are there specific destinations that have been particularly conducive to your work and offered a unique working environment?

Darwin was really good, they're having a boom period at the moment but the heat and humidity took a little bit to get used to.

How do you stay connected with your community and maintain a support system while constantly on the move?

Social media and phone calls / FaceTime plus we've met awesome families that will be lifelong friends, who understand the nature of travel, and we try to catch up whenever we are close to each other.

What advice do you have for individuals who are considering a full-time traveling lifestyle but are hesitant to take the plunge?

It won't be easy or perfect, but it will be an awesome experience that will grow you as a person and you'll make lifelong friends and memories. If you don't like it you can always go back and you've lost nothing. Give it a go it's the only way to know.

Can you share a funny or unexpected anecdote from your travels that stands out in your memory?

Well, this might be TMI, but this one time when we were free camping in SA, and it was cold and windy in the night and someone pooped before checking if the cassette was full, and Dad, the dunny man, went out to change the cassette and a big turd dropped down into the void. It wasn't funny at the time, cleaning up poop in the cold, wet night, but it was a good story. Now we can laugh about it!

Connect with this wonderful family on Instagram @biglap_biglife_aus or Facebook @biglap_biglife_aus

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