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Get to Know – Ella & Brad (Coral and Co Travel)

Can you share a bit about your background and what inspired you to become a full-time traveller?

I, Ella, used to run a business online that was all about hand lettering. I eventually travelled aus in a sprinter van and taught workshops along the way before we had kids. Brad has always worked online building websites/ working for large companies in the digital space. We wanted to travel while we were all young and because our work is already online we wanted to make our life a working holiday. Also seeing all the beautiful places this country has to offer 😍

How do you balance work and travel on the road? Any productivity tips for those considering a similar lifestyle?

Brad works his normal 9-5 and I look after the kids throughout the day. I would just suggest finding a routine that works for your family. Brad would say get good headphones, a comfy chair and starlink for zoom meetings/ reliable internet.

What type of work do you do while travelling, and how did you transition to a remote or mobile career?

Brad works online as a media marketing manager in a building franchise. We transitioned by living around our hometown of out the van and getting used to working around the van/ our new routine. I think this was key to a smooth transition.

Can you highlight some of your favourite destinations and memorable experiences from your travels?

Our top 3 favourite places so far would be Agnes water, seal rocks, crescent head. And a memorable experience would be the day a kangaroo jumped into my caravan 😂

Have you faced any challenges working on the road, and how did you overcome them?
Heaps! I think on the road you are always adjusting to challenges but the weather is always a constant and can affect how/when you experience a place. We overcome by adjusting our mindsets that life on the road is messy and nothing is perfect and that’s how we adjust 😂

What essential items or tools do you carry with you to make working while travelling more efficient?

Starlink internet, a sturdy camping table desk, a comfy chair and good headphones ✅

How do you stay connected with your community and maintain a support system while constantly on the move?

You’ll find your community in travelling groups/families and it’s honestly the best. You learn ways to connect back home with loved ones like face time and calls but it can be hard to do so when you’re on the move a lot.

What advice do you have for individuals who are considering a full-time travelling lifestyle but are hesitant to take the plunge?

It’s overwhelming in the lead up and you’ll want to give up/ wonder if it’s worth it but after 12 months on the road I can honestly say that it has been the best decision for our family. I would tell families to give yourself 3 months to adjust because the start is very hard but eventually it will be smoother

Can you share a funny or unexpected anecdote from your travels that stands out in your memory

I was making my coffee one morning when the kids were playing outside and Brad was having a shower. Out of no where I hear a bang behind me and as I turn around I am face to face with a massive kangaroo!!! I was crying and screaming and didn’t know what to do 😂😂 it eventually jumped out and fell down the stairs but gosh I will remember that forever

Connect with this wonderful family on socials @coralandcotravel

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